With a little over a month to go until Project EDWARD 2020, preparations are being stepped up.
Project EDWARD started life in 2016 as TISPOL’s ‘European Day Without A Road Death’ and has proved a powerful and popular awareness-raiser for road safety. It has also highlighted the vital role of roads policing in terms of engagement and enforcement.
#ProjectEDWARD has consistently achieved excellent social media reach – in 2019 the campaign reached more than 30 million social media users on the day itself – as well as enthusiastic support from across the road safety and roads policing sectors.
The 2020 edition, which has a focus on work related road risk, takes place on 16 September – with organisers pledging to move the initiative ‘up a gear’.
Part of this drive is a name change – to ‘Every Day Without A Road Death’ – bringing it in line with the Vision Zero approach to road safety.
Ahead of the event, plans are being put in place for a five day virtual road trip, covering safer drivers, safer journeys, safer vehicles, driver wellbeing and leadership in business.
Police involvement in the UK is being coordinated by Supt Paul Keasey, the NPCC’s head of National Roads Policing Operations & Intelligence – who last week chaired a webinar attended by many police forces across the UK.
More information will be made available on the Project EDWARD website in due course.
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