The Road Safety News editorial team has launched a new daily email alert service, which will complement the existing weekly bulletin.
At present, subscribers receive a weekly alert at 8am every Monday morning, capturing the headlines from the previous week.
Under the new service, subscribers who opt in will receive a further brief update on each working day (Tues-Fri inc), featuring the best of the news from the past 24 hours.
All existing subscribers have been contacted – giving them the option to sign up for the additional bulletins.
New subscribers will be asked for their preferences when signing up via the Road Safety GB homepage.
Anyone who would like to receive the new daily update should email Edward Seaman, editor of Road Safety News, with the subject headline ‘Daily news alerts’.
Edward Seaman said: “A week is a long time in the road safety world.
“That’s why we’ve launched this new service – allowing road safety professionals and others the opportunity to receive the latest headlines to their inboxes on a daily basis.”
The daily updates will begin the week commencing 26 October.
Problems receiving your email alerts?
If you’re not getting the email alerts you signed up to, you should:
- Check your spam or junk folder
- Add edwardseaman@roadsafetygb.org.uk to your safe sender list
- Contact Edward Seaman if the problem continues
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