TRL picks up CIHT road safety award

12.00 | 16 June 2014 | | 1 comment

TRL received the John Smart Road Safety Award at the 2014 CIHT Awards ceremony on 11 June, for its work relating to the hazard perception testing element of the driving theory test. 

The CIHT (Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation) Awards recognise the achievements of those working in the highways and transportation industry, and to promote professionalism and best practice to a wider industry audience.

The John Smart Road Safety Award is in recognition of John Smart, CIHT’s former director of technical affairs and business development, who sadly passed away in November 2012. The award recognises outstanding achievements which improve road safety and aims to identify, share and celebrate good road safety practice.

The award for TRL recognised work carried out in partnership with the (DfT), the then Driving Standards Agency (now DVLA), the National Foundation for Educational Research, and the University of Reading, as part of the TRL Behavioural Studies Programme.

The hazard perception test developed through the process was introduced in Great Britain in 2002 and was integral to a fall in the number of collisions involving new drivers, according to a COHORT II study.

Other nations are considering the implementation of hazard perception testing as part of their licensing and are learning from the experience Britain has had in this area.



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      Congratulations to the TRL team; a worthy award and well deserved.

      Jan James CEO Good Egg Safety
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