The first two speakers have been confirmed for the 2020 edition of Young Driver Focus – which has a specific focus on technology.
Jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation, Young Driver Focus is firmly established on the road safety calendar.
The event is targeted at road safety professionals seeking to learn more about young drivers; how they think and behave, and how to address the challenge of reducing casualties caused by this most vulnerable road user group.
The 2020 edition – which has the theme ‘Technology Matters’ – takes place at the prestigious RAC Club, Pall Mall, on Tuesday 19 May.
The first two speakers have been confirmed, including Shaun Helman, chief scientist at TRL.
Shaun will present findings from the Driver2020 programme, which aims to help newly-qualified drivers improve their skills when they begin driving post-test.
Driver2020 is investigating interventions targeted at learners and novice drivers in a series of controlled tests. The project aims to understand how learner drivers react to different training approaches and the effect they have on their driving.
Also on the agenda is Dr Jessica Hafetz, lecturer in Applied Psychology and Public Health at the University of Edinburgh.
Dr Hafetz has over a decade of experience studying the psychological, sociobehavioural, and developmental determinants of young driver safety and creating and evaluating behavioural interventions.
Her presentation will cover the challenges and opportunities faced when intervening with young drivers.
Delegate registration is now open – at a cost of £150 plus VAT for Road Safety GB & Academy members.
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