Practitioners are being sought to participate in a new study to establish the effectiveness of interventions that seek to influence road user behaviours.
The research, which is being undertaken by Agilysis on behalf of the RAC Foundation, will analyse the design and delivery of road safety programmes across the UK – in a bid to establish their effectiveness and identify best practice.
Practitioners and policy makers are being encouraged to complete a survey which includes questions about intervention design and evaluation – and the opportunities and challenges faced by those delivering road safety schemes.
The survey will be followed by a number of focus groups with practitioners, with the findings presented in a report to be published to coincide with the 2019 National Road Safety Conference in Telford (12-13 Nov).
The research is being led by Tanya Fosdick, head of research at Agilysis, who said: “We need practitioners and policy makers across the UK road safety sector to complete the survey, so we have a complete picture of the current situation.
“We therefore appreciate practitioners taking the time to complete the survey.”
Tanya Fosdick will present the findings at National Conference, as part of a session on behaviour change and the use of behaviour change techniques in road safety interventions.
*The 2019 National Road Safety Conference will follow a similar format to previous years, with both a main and fringe programme running concurrently. Click here for details of speakers, topics and the agenda; and click here to book a place to attend.
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