‘Confusion reigns’ on e-scooter rules

11.47 | 16 November 2021 | | 2 comments

IAM RoadSmart is calling for more to be done to control the number of e-scooters being used illegally on public roads.

The plea comes on the back of a survey of more than 1,400 of the road safety charity’s members, in which around a third thought there was a trial in their area when there wasn’t.

IAM RoadSmart says ‘such lack of public awareness’ has led to e-scooters being ‘let loose’ in towns and cities without proper regulation.

As it stands, the only e-scooters that can be used on public roads are those rented as part of Government-backed trials. More than 50 areas are currently operating rental schemes – including major cities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, and selected London boroughs.  

Neil Greig, director of policy and research at IAM RoadSmart, said: “Alarmingly, e-scooters have become a relatively common sight on the roads in locations which are not participating in the official Government-backed rental scheme. 

“Clearly more needs to be done to educate those who wish to use e-scooters, which is why we wish to remind e-scooter riders that they are only permitted to be used on public roads where Government-backed trials are taking place. 

“If our members who are road safety conscious and observant are confused, then it doesn’t bode well for the rest of the country.”



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Very disappointed to hear recently that the national trial may now be extended again, to November 2022. The longer that the trial goes on for, the longer confusion will reign about what’s legal and what’s not (though I don’t buy the ‘I don’t know the rules’ excuse). Escooters will be the Xmas present of choice this year so watch out for more calls to ‘do something’ in the new year.

      Keith Wheeler, Aylesbury
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      > Clearly more needs to be done to educate those who wish to use e-scooters

      I’m going to presume that’s opposed to “the more that needs doing” to educate those that wish to use e-bikes?

      I’ve never understood why people feel there’s a difference, other than that caused by the inaction of politicians to address the needs of the public

      David Weston, Newcastle upon Tyne
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