The agenda for the 2022 edition of Young Driver Focus is now complete – with TV motoring commentator and road safety campaigner Quentin Willson among the final speakers to be confirmed.
Now in its seventh year, Young Driver Focus examines current and future thinking with regard to the vital issue of reducing crashes and casualties among young drivers and their passengers.
Young Driver Focus is jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation.
The 2022 edition will be the first held since 2019 – as a result of the Covid pandemic – and will take place once again at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London on Wednesday 25 May. It runs with the strapline, ‘Technology Matters’.
Registration remains open, with tickets available from £150 (plus VAT) for Road Safety GB and Academy members.
The agenda is now complete – with a total of 15 speakers confirmed for the event.
The latest to be added includes Quentin Willson, TV motoring commentator and road safety campaigner.
Quentin will look at how technology has been used to reduce accidents both in road safety campaigns and in cars themselves.
He will answer key questions such as ‘what can we learn from historic road safety initiatives to engage and influence today’s tech savvy young drivers?’ and ‘what new safety features will we see on the next generation of electric cars?’.
Also added to the agenda is Lorna Smith, road safety officer and Kent County Council.
Since 2019, Lorna has been involved in a range of education, training and publicity interventions for the 12-24-year-old road user group – including the multi-award-winning Speak Out campaign.
The presentation will cover the creation and development of their new Young Driver Course, including Lorna’s insights into how Covid has changed the way we might think of delivering education for young drivers.
Click here to register for the event.
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