Helmets are one of the “simplest and most effective ways” for e-scooter riders to prevent serious injury in the event of a collision.
That’s the verdict of Neuron Mobility’s Alex Gunn, at the start of the organisation’s third Helmet Safety Awareness Week.
Data shows that 28% of e-scooter injuries occur to the head or neck, while wearing a helmet reduces the risk of sustaining a severe injury by 70%.
For this year’s event, Neuron has teamed up with RoSPA to share five top tips to promote helmet use.
As well as safety, the reasons for wearing a helmet include:
- Increased visibility
- Leading by example and setting a positive precedent for others
- Protection from the weather
- Financial savings
David Walker, head of road and leisure safety at RoSPA, said: “We’re pleased to support Neuron this Helmet Awareness Week, which offers the ideal time for riders to be reminded of the importance of wearing a helmet.
“Although helmets don’t prevent collisions from happening, they do provide a crucial line of defence that cannot be underestimated.
“We strongly recommend all riders wear helmets, so if they are in an incident, their head is as protected as possible.”
Throughout the week, Neuron will be further encouraging riders to use their incentivised in-app ‘Helmet Selfie’ feature. They are also directing riders to their online ScootSafe Academy to participate in interactive quizzes, videos and games and receive credits towards their ride.
A study conducted for Neuron, which included over 2,000 respondents across the UK, examined the perceptions on e-scooter safety and what would increase helmet use.
In Newcastle the top suggestions were; introduce regulations to wear them (64%), rider education (44%), and operators providing helmets (42%).
Alex Gunn, Neuron Mobility’s operations manager in Newcastle, said: “It’s great to be running our third-annual Helmet Safety Awareness Week in Newcastle.
“Helmets are one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent serious injury in the event of an accident. Although they are not legally required, we recommend everyone wear one to protect themselves.”
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