The Fringe Programme for National Road Safety Conference 2017 is beginning to take shape with five confirmed presentations and several others in the pipeline.
First introduced at the Brighton Conference in 2014, the Fringe is now an established element of the National Road Safety Conference, which this year is being held in Manchester on 14-15 November.
There are no specific themes or focuses for the Fringe 2017 Programme, which will comprise between 10 and 12 presentations covering a wide variety of topics.
Delegates at National Conference are free to move between the Main Conference and the Fringe, taking in the presentations of most relevance and interest to them.
The confirmed Fringe presenters to date are:
Glen Davies, who will present the RiSC programme (Reducing road risk in Supply Chains) which aims to promote safe fleet operations through the common application of contractual road risk requirements.
Alan Hiscox from the British Horse Society who will present the BHS’s ‘Dead Slow’ campaign which looks to produce safer drivers, safer riders and safer horses.
Rebecca Needham from RoSPA who will run through a series webinars created to provide road safety practitioners with easy to follow advice on how to evaluate road safety projects.
Jan James from Good Egg Safety, who will present the findings of a major mystery shop of retailers across the UK in relation to child seat fitting advice, and the progress of a new child car seat National Joint Industry Group.
Mark Turner & Lyn Hesse, who will talk about the work of the Road Victims Trust which offers support to the victims of every fatal road crash across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire.
National Road Safety Conference 2017
Around 180 people have already registered to attend the 2017 National Road Safety Conference, and 14 organisations have booked to participate in the accompanying exhibition.
The conference is being held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport on 14-15 November and is co-sponsored by Colas, Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK and Insure The Box.
The main conference agenda includes sessions focusing on public health and active travel, the use of behavioural change techniques (BCTs) in road safety interventions and driverless cars.
There will also be a ‘Topical Topics’ session and the ever-popular Question Time.
Click here to register to attend; click here for more information about exhibiting; or for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration and exhibition) or Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) on 01379 650112.
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