During November the road safety team at Warrington Borough Council ran its annual campaign highlighting the specific issues and problems associated with driving in the winter months.
Working with Sainsbury’s, Tesco, the local NHS Trust hospital, Morrisons, local business parks, sports centres and Warrington Disability Partnership, the team delivered seven roadshow events across the authority aimed at both private and business drivers.
The team used the events to distribute 1,500 driver safety packs which included a hi-viz emergency vest, emergency foil blanket, ice scraper, tread buddy, crash car and advice relating to drug driving.
Councillor Hans Mundry, executive board member for highways, transportation and public realm, said: “The most important thing to remember about driving in these months is to think ahead and be prepared. Regular servicing and checks on vehicles will reduce the chances of breakdowns, particularly in the winter months.
“The winter weather can bring hazardous driving conditions that we need to be prepared for and it can be simple things like keeping a torch and blanket in the boot of your car.
More information and advice about winter driving is available on Warrington Council’s road safety web page.
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