Ban for traffic jam farmer

13.06 | 22 April 2009 |

A farmer who held up a convoy of 20 cars as he drove his tractor home from a cattle market in Ireland has been banned for driving for 12 months.

The farmer, who was called ‘arrogant and individualistic’ by a district court judge, was told: "You don’t have the right to force other people to drive at 15 miles per hour."

Michael Nevin, from Co Mayo, insisted that he had pulled over to allow traffic to overtake at the earliest opportunity, but gardai pursuing him said that he had passed six possible places before finally pulling in. When stopped he was issued with a fine which he refused to pay.

Counsel for the accused argued that Mr Nevin had an impeccable driving record and his livelihood would be compromised by a conviction under the Road Traffic Act.

However, Judge Devins convicted him under Section 51a of the Road Traffic Act, which stipulates that due care and consideration for others must be exercised while driving.

Click here to read the full Independent news report.


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