Beep Beep Days! teach youngsters road safety lessons

11.16 | 10 January 2012 |

Brake, the road safety charity, is urging nursery schools, play groups, child-minders and KS1 teachers to promote road safety through a ‘Beep Beep! Day’.

Beep Beep! Days are organised by Brake and aim to teach simple road safety lessons to under-8s, while raising road safety awareness among parents and local communities.

Activities range from making a giant poster of hand prints with a title ‘We hold hands!’, experiments with toy cars, singing road safety songs and baking traffic light biscuits. All activities are designed to teach children key words and to start them thinking about the basics of staying safe. Participants get free resources including stickers and colour-in sheets.

Katie Shephard, fundraising director at Brake, said: “It is never too young to start learning about road safety; for example learning key words such as ‘stop’ and the importance of holding hands.

“Beep Beep! Day is a great opportunity to teach these life-saving messages to children and also get the message across to parents, who need to understand the importance of belting up children safely and driving slowly.”

For more information contact Brake on 01484 550063.


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