The Fringe programme at the upcoming National Road Safety Conference (NRSC) comprises 36 presentations, with sessions focusing on powered two wheelers, young drivers, mature drivers, driving for work, technology and data.
NRSC 2024 is being held at the Hilton Metropole Birmingham on 6 & 7 November. The event is hosted by Road Safety GB and co-sponsored by Transport for West Midlands, Jenoptik, Westcotec and National Highways.
In total, the agenda for NRSC 2024 comprises a remarkable 79 presentations and workshops across the two days.
The Fringe programme comprises 36 presentations, with sessions focusing on powered two wheelers, young drivers, mature drivers, driving for work and technology and data.
The mature drivers’ session includes two presentations by older drivers’ consultant Rob Heard – one featuring a new VR film and the other focusing on eyesight – and presentations by academic research psychologist Dr Carol Hawley on standardised assessment sand senior RSO Graham Mylward on fitness to drive for those with dementia.
The young drivers’ session includes presentations by TRL’s Shaun Helman and Jill Weekley on the Driver 2020 project; road safety campaigner Fay Goodman looking at safer driving behaviours; graduated driver licensing by Sharron Huddleston, co-founder of the Forget-me-not Families Uniting group, and Rebecca Morris, head of communications at RoadPeace; and a look at the work of the Ely Memorial Fund by Angela Tyler, charity manager and Diana Wood, director & trustee.
The Main Conference programme comprises 39 presentations, with sessions focusing on active travel, technology and deprivation, along with ‘speed dating’ – a quickfire series of presentations lasting just 5 minutes – and the topical topics catch all session.
In addition, there are four workshops to be scheduled across the two days.
The exhibition which runs alongside the conference comprises 30 stands including nine first time exhibitors at NRSC.
Click here to book to attend as a delegate.
Click here to book a space at the exhibition.
For more information about NRSC 2024 visit the event website or contact Nick Rawlings by email.
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