A new campaign has been launched calling for the vehicle theory test to include a mandatory section on how drivers and bikers can look out for each other on road.
The campaign, which features on the BBC News website, has been set up by Ria Brisland whose 19-year-old son Nick was killed in a collision in Southampton three years ago.
Ms Brisland says the collision was a result of ‘negligence’ by a driver who ‘pulled out and onto the road claiming he didn’t see him coming’.
As part of the campaign, Ms Brisland is running an online petition outlining the proposed changes to the theory test, which to date has received more than 93k signatures.
An example, the petition says, could be a short video showing how there is a lack of vision from a driver’s perspective.
Ms Brisland says more incidents could be stopped if only drivers and cyclists learnt how to better interact on roads.
Speaking to BBC News, she said: “The way in which he died could have been so easily avoided, so that’s what has spurred me on to help other people.”
I drive through Exeter each day, although there is a noticeable improvement in cyclists using lights, there are a number of cyclists who do not use lights, or high visibility clothing, and you may see something dark moving across the road.
Road safety needs to be tackled from both ends, the cyclists need to make themselves visible, giving drivers time to notice them, and the drivers need a reminder, to look left and right and also think “Bike”.
Because of physical size, a bike is less visible, and often the riders creep up on you, and you may not even be aware of their presence, then we have to remember each vehicle has a blind spot, this is especially noticeable on large vehicles, and even thought a cyclist may be outside your door, they are invisible to the drivers.
Peter D’Silva.
Exmouth, Devon.
Peter D’Silva., Exeter
The main causes of smidsys is two fold and both are as a result of lacking visible space.
The first is, and I have no doubt others are very much aware, the lack of safe space between vehicles. It’s very much safer for all to keep a good stopping distance between vehicles as opposed to giving what is merely the Thinking Distances only. That makes a difference of safe visible space at 30 mph at between 75 and 90 ft as opposed to only 30 ft. With so much distance between traffic every road user will benefit.
The second is the ‘smidsy’ at junctions, this is made worse and more dangerous by not only the lack of safe following on or stopping distance of traffic approaching but also of the plethora of vehicles which commonly park close up to the junctions apex. At one time it was unlawful to park within 10 yards of any junction, be that on the main road or down the leg of the approaching street. It seems that we are unnecessarily clogging up many frequently used junctions and both these issues lead to a lack of clear visibility and causing the numerous collision that we are suffering..
I have my own theories and explanations as to why both of these matters have been allowed to occur or come to pass. If anyone wants to find out the reasons just why so many of this type of incident occurs then you can obtain my e-mail address from the site officers and I will forward my paper to you.
Smidsys and rear end collision probably account for the greatest % [ maybe some 70% plus] of all collisions generally in and around our towns and on major arterial roads.
Bob Craven
Our heart goes out to Ms Brisland and we commend her for her bravery at a time most parents, myself included, would be rendered incapable of rational thought after such a tragic loss.
This is definitely something Good Egg Safety (and our Good Egg Riders subsidiary) would support.
‘Inattentional blindness’ is a major challenge which more drivers/riders should definitely be made aware of.
Having attended a riders offenders course recently; it’s clear the riders themselves weren’t and not one of the novice drivers we have taught in our Good Egg Driver events are aware of it either.
It’s just a shame that, like the Groves family campaign for tighter anti- drug driving laws; it took the death of someone’s son or daughter, to prompt it.
Jan James CEO Good Egg Safety, London