Changes confirmed to two-wheel test

00.00 | 30 November 2011 |

The new two-part modular practical motorcycle test will come into operation on 27 April.

Module 1 contains the specified manoeuvres element of the test, which will be conducted off-road at specialist examination centres. It includes exercises designed to assess the rider’s ability to control their machine safely, including avoidance and emergency stop exercises.

Module 2 includes an eyesight test and at least 30 minutes of on-road riding, assessing the rider’s ability to interact safely with other road users.

Rosemary Thew, chief executive of the DSA, said: “We have listened to the motorcycling industry and introducing a two-part test means we can provide more locations from which to conduct tests and offer a step-by-step, considered approach to learning to ride. Candidates will have time to absorb each separate important stage.”

Further details on the new two-part test, and test centre locations, can be found on the DSA’s website.


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