Joe Irvin, the chief executive of Living Streets, has seen his services to active travel recognised in the New Year Honours list.
Mr Irvin, who joined the walking charity in 2014, has been awarded an OBE.
In his time at Living Streets, Mr Irvin has helped push active travel up the political agenda – successfully campaigning for the UK Government to publish its first-ever Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy.
The strategy, published in 2017, outlines the Government’s ambition to make cycling and walking a natural choice for shorter journeys, or as part of longer journeys, by 2040.
Mr Irvin also helped forge a Walking and Cycling Alliance, bringing together a range of active travel charities – while overseeing WOW, Living Street’s award-winning year-round walk to school challenge.
Mr Irvin was also recognised for his services to the wider charity sector.
Joe Irvin OBE said: “I’m honoured to be awarded an OBE for my work in promoting walking, active travel and wider charity causes.
“This is recognition that making our streets safer and more attractive for walking and cycling is vital for our health and our environment.”
Dame Jane Roberts, chair of Living Streets, said: “I am thrilled that Joe has been honoured for his tireless and highly effective work to promote active travel – it is so very richly deserved.
“Joe has had a real impact on the public debate with active travel now widely recognised as being key to reducing our impact on the environment and to keeping us all safe and healthy.”
Many congratulations to Joe – very well deserved. Walking is such an important travel mode but there are too few voices promoting it or representing pedestrians’ interests.
PACTS has been pleased to collaborate with Living Streets over past years. Our jointly-run conference “Streets Safe for Walking – the way to healthy and prosperous places”, was a great event. See the presentations here http://www.pacts.org.uk/2018/11/pacts-conference-streets-safe-for-walking-the-way-to-healthy-and-prosperous-places/
David Davies, London