Image: RAC
The condition of local roads has overtaken the use of handheld mobile phones to become the greatest concern of UK motorists, according to the 2018 RAC Report on Motoring.
The 30th edition of the RAC’s annual report, based on a survey of more than 1,800 UK motorists, reveals drivers’ attitudes and concerns and paints a picture of how and why car owners’ views are evolving over time.
The report asks drivers to name the four motoring-related issues that concern them most from a list of the 20 most commonly raised.
In a reversal from 2017, the condition and maintenance of local roads was named the biggest concern (42%), followed by drivers using handheld phones (38%).
Also in the top 10 are: aggressive behaviour of other drivers (28%), drink driving (27%), people driving without insurance (25%), traffic congestion (24%) and drug driving (20%).

Mobile phone use dropped to motorists’ second greatest concern in 2018. Image: RAC
Compared to 2017, the percentage of motorists who named the condition of local roads as an issue of concern rose by 9% – up from 33% in 2017.
While the number naming mobile phone usage among their top concerns fell by 2% (down from 40% in 2017), the percentage of drivers admitting to using a handheld device while at the wheel has not fallen in the last year.
25% admitted to making or receiving calls while driving (compared to 24% in 2017) while 16% confessed to either sending a text, email or posting on social media – up from 13%.
The percentage of drivers admitting to drink-driving has risen to its highest level in recent years – up from 8% to 12%.
This year there has been an increase in drivers who believe they will not be caught if they break most motoring laws – up to 28% from 24% in 2017 – while 68% think there are not enough dedicated roads police officers to enforce existing laws (up from 62% in 2017).
Bob: I interpreted “Condition of local roads biggest concern for motorists” as a concern of motorists for the ride quality and possible punctures and not necessarily a fear of accidents, although I accept for a two-wheeled rider, it would be more of the latter.
Hugh Jones
So you are merely talking about the reduced comfort of a drive. It being spoilt by lumps and bumps on the journey, rather than the safety aspect of the ride being made more dangerous. Ok. Now I see where you are coming from Hugh. Thanks for putting me right.
I was thinking more about the ride quality and comfort for driver and passengers Bob.
Hugh Jones
I agree about manhole covers and other things that can affect the steering and safety of any two wheeled vehicle but not necessarily affect any four wheeled ones.
Unfortunately it’s not just the pothole that ids the resulting danger, it the debris that comes out of them and it spreads all over the road and if riding any two wheeled vehicle upon it is like riding on glass or ice. It’s ever so dangerous.
It’s not so much potholes formed naturally for me that is the problem, it’s the manhole covers, trenches, poor reinstatements that spoil the ride.
Hugh Jones
“More driver exceptionalism in the comments below.”
Well, what did you expect from a poll of drivers asked about their concerns as drivers.
Iain, Edinburgh
More driver exceptionalism in the comments below.
Rod King, Warrington
Council Highway Department employees use the same roads as the public they serve – they don’t have special fault-free roads roads dedicated for their exclusive use, so their world is as ‘real’ as everyone else’s.
Hugh Jones
No surprise, really, is it?
Unfortunately, council and highways department employees have all-too-often had their heads filled with nonsense on traffic management courses and the like.
Simply doing the job everyone wants them to do by maintaining the roads we’re already got, isn’t glamorous enough for them. Rather, they spend the limited available funds on vanity schemes such as cycle lanes, shared spaces and so on, convinced in the righteousness of their latest ‘right-on’ social-engineering cause.
Not surprisingly, people trying to live and work in the real world get fed up with it, as shown by these findings.
R Brunsdon
Well the general driving public were at least right on the last one.
What’s the point in making laws and not to have the where with all to be able to enforce them. The driving public are not stupid when it comes to trying to get away with it. Breaking the law, or more importantly endangering others lives then becomes common place, an accepted practise and risk and widespread. It’s human nature at its worst by those who commit to it and who get away with it.