Photo: Active Bradford via Twitter.
Day two of a ‘ground-breaking’ conference organised for professionals working to encourage cycling and walking is taking place today, as Global Road Safety Week 2017 enters its final phase.
Elsewhere, Brake’s road safety poster competition draws to a close – while a number of local authorities prepare for weekend events.
Active travel event looks to turn ‘potential into reality’
Taking place in Bradford on 11-12 May, Cycle City Active City is a ‘ground-breaking’ conference and exhibition organised by Landor Links and supported, among others, by the DfT.
The event has been organised for people working to encourage utility cycling, walking and active, healthy lifestyles across Britain, and is seeking to demonstrate how to ‘get from potential to reality’.
The 2017 agenda for the fifth edition of this annual event features plenary presentations by professionals the UK and beyond with expertise and influence in cycling and walking policy, promotion and infrastructure, ‘active placemaking’, public health, and urban design and development.
Click here to find out more.
Poster competition focuses on speed
Through a competition organised by Brake, children aged 4-11 years are being challenged to design a poster to encourage drivers to slow down, in order to make it safer for them to walk and cycle to school.

The winning designs from two age categories (4-7 years and 7-11 years) will be turned into banners to be displayed outside schools or in the local community. Children can also win prizes worth ‘hundreds of pounds’ for themselves and their school.
The competition theme is in line with Global Road Safety Week 2017, which also focuses on speed.
Brake has produced a series of free resources to support the competition, including assembly and workshop presentations that teachers and road safety professionals can deliver in school.
Entries need to be submitted by Friday 30 June – for more information visit the Brake website.
What is happening this weekend and beyond?
The following events, organised in support of Global Road Safety Week, will take place this weekend or over the coming weeks:
13 May 2017
Braking Distance Challenge
Newport, Isle of Wight
Riverfest is the annual sustainable lifestyle event on the Isle of Wight. The cycling lobby group CycleWight will host a braking distance challenge at the event to highlight the importance of driving at appropriate speeds.
16-17 May 2017
Road safety awareness days
South Acton, London
Staff at the South Acton Children’s Centre will be discussing road safety with parents and carers. They will also be measuring and weighing the children and distributing information about the recent changes to child car seat legislation.
20 March – 14 May 2017
Junior Road Safety Officer Poster Competition
Scotland’s Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) are supporting Global Road Safety Week through a poster competition organised by Road Safety Scotland.
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