Cycling focus for 2015 Family Safety Week

12.00 | 24 February 2015 | | 1 comment

RoSPA’s second national Family Safety Week (2-7 March 2015) will focus on the theme of ‘Safer Cycling’.

Martin Roberts, from Homes under the Hammer, and the double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell OBE, will launch the Week at an event at Queensbridge School in Birmingham.

A different aspect of cycling safety will be covered on each day during the Week. On Tuesday the focus will be on the importance of choosing the right-sized bike for a child. Wednesday will look at cycling to school, Thursday will cover cycling to work and on Friday the spotlight will be on leisure cycling. The week will conclude on Saturday when the focus will be on sharing the road.

RoSPA will also use the event to launch the 2015 Family Safety Week National Cycling Survey, which will set out to shed light on the issues that are of most concern to cyclists, and those that may even stop people from cycling.

Resources, other information and the survey will be published on the event’s new website which will go live on 27 February.



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      Please do not force the kids onto the road at too young an age. Previously it has been when they are eleven and at High Schools and not before. Until then let them be kids and if they want to ride outside let them ride on the pavements.

      Bob Craven Lancs…Space is Safe Campaigner
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