Following confirmation that the Government intends to make drug driving a specific offence, the DfT has unveiled the panel of experts who will advise on the issue.
The new legislation will make it an offence for drivers to have certain controlled drugs in their body, in excess of specified limits. The legislation is intended to make it much easier for police to take action against drug drivers.
The DfT panel includes experts in the field of alcohol and drug misuse and will also provide advice to the Home Office, Ministry of Justice and Department of Health.
The panel comprises:
Dr. Kim Wolff, reader in addiction science, King’s College London;
Prof Robert Forrest, forensic and academician, Sheffield University;
Dr Lily Read, clinical psychiatrist with interest in medical aspects of transport safety, Northampton Hospital;
Dr. J. Colin Forfar, consultant physician and cardiologist, Representative from Commission for Human Medicine;
Dr. Roger Brimblecombe, pharmacologist with interest in mental health and misuse of drugs, Non-exec director for Gloucestershire and Herefordshire NHS foundation trust and Member of Advisory Council on Misuse of Drugs;
Professor Atholl Johnston, professor clinical pharmacology, Barts and London school of medicine, Queen Mary University;
Professor David Osselton, forensic toxicologist and director of the centre of forensic sciences, Bournemouth University;
Dr. Judith Morgan, senior medical advisor, DVLA;
Professor Eilish Gilvarry, consultant psychiatrist in addictions and honorary professor of addiction psychiatry, University of Newcastle.
Click here to read the full DfT press release.
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