Drink and drug driving “continues to rip families apart”

14.15 | 23 January 2023 | |

Image: Northumbria Police

Northumbria Police has released bodycam footage showing some of the hundreds of drivers arrested on suspicion of drink or drug driving during its recent winter crackdown.

The footage, available to watch on the force’s Twitter account, shows some offenders admitting they are over the limit, while others attempted to protest their innocence.

The force says it is “absolutely crucial” that messages about the pitfalls of driving under the influence are “spread loud and clear”.


During the eight-week campaign, a total of 234 drivers were arrested on suspicion of driving whilst above the prescribed limit for alcohol or drugs – with many of those having already been convicted at court.

Those prosecutions have led to motorists being hit with road bans of more than 122 years, with many others still awaiting sentence in the coming weeks.

Sgt Glen Robson, of Northumbria Police’s Operation Dragoon team, said: “The human consequence of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs is catastrophic.

“Driving after having consumed excess alcohol or drugs has and continues to rip families apart and destroys more than one life forever – in an instant.

“Far too often, our lead investigators have to knock on the door of a family member and deliver the worst possible news. They have to watch as that person’s world falls apart – and often it was completely avoidable.

“It’s absolutely crucial that our message is spread loud and clear, far and wide. Drink or drug driving significantly increases the likelihoods of serious road casualties and deaths.

“That’s why, as a force, we will continue to run these kind of operations and take action against those found to be above the legal limit. By taking that risk, you are simply rolling the dice with people’s lives.”



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