Drink drive campaign urges drivers to steer clear of the dark side

12.00 | 23 December 2015 | | 2 comments

A new Star-Wars themed drink drive campaign has been launched by Warwickshire County Council in the hope its topical theme will engage with motorists.

The campaign, which has its own website, carries the message: ‘You can’t fix ruined lives. Don’t drink drive, and don’t let your friends either’.
It reminds drivers that drink driving can lead to a £5,000 fine, disqualification from driving or even prison and a criminal record. Most importantly, it could lead to a serious crash, leaving a lifetime living with the consequences.
The campaign uses a combination of pub beer mats and social media advertising. The beer mats feature quotes from Star Wars characters, including “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” and “Fear is the path to the dark side…”. 
The campaign highlights various ‘facts’ about drink driving: one in six of all road deaths involve drink drivers, drinking any amount of alcohol will affect your ability to drive safely, driving at the legal limit means you are between two and five times more likely to crash, and if you drive at twice the legal limit you are at least 30 times more likely to cause a crash.
It also reminds drivers that causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs can lead to up to 14 years imprisonment, together with an unlimited fine, disqualification from driving for at least two years and a mandatory extended driving test.


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      Does anybody know where the lady on the right got her nails done, they look amazing!

      Julia Smith
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      The gentleman on the right is rather dishy.

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