Drink-drivers don’t fear detection

10.25 | 15 April 2011 | | 1 comment

53% of drivers think there is a less than one in four chance of being caught drink-driving – and 31% think there is a less than one in 10 chance of being caught – according to a new survey released by Brake and Direct Line.

The research follows the Government’s announcement last month that it plans to make it easier for the police to enforce current laws by streamlining the breath test procedure, but does not intend to lower the drink-drive limit.

Brake claims that there is evidence that it will actually become harder for police to enforce drink drive laws as a result of funding cuts which will see traffic police cut by more than half in some areas.

Julie Townsend, Brake’s campaigns director, said: “As well as rejecting proposals for a lower drink drive limit, the Government has rejected random breath testing, a policy that we know to be effective from international evidence.

“At the same time we are seeing big cuts to traffic policing and a freeze on high-profile media campaigns on drink-driving. The Government needs to urgently strengthen our position on drink-driving before more lives are lost.”

Brake’s has called for the following actions:

  • Police powers to be increased to enable targeted, random breath testing.
  • Traffic policing to be made a national policing priority, with sufficient investment to enable a significant increase in the number of breath-tests.
  • The drink drive limit to be reduced to 20mg alcohol per 100ml blood, effectively a zero-tolerance limit.

For more information contact Ellen Booth on 01484 559909.


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    I very rarely agree with Brake but their list of actions includes “traffic policing to be made a national policing priority.” I have been saying this for years but very few have heeded me. I wonder if anyone will listen when Brake says it?

    Roy Buchanan, Sutton
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