Driver with 39 penalty points still on the road

15.40 | 4 May 2011 | | 3 comments

A Swindon motorist who has 39 penalty points on their licence – the most in Great Britain – has not been banned, according to BBC News.

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the DVLA also showed that 638 drivers in Bristol, Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset and Gloucestershire have 12 or more points, but have not received a ban. 12 points usually means a temporary ban for a driver unless they can prove it would cause exceptional hardship.

A court decides if a driver should be banned, and the Magistrates’ Association agreed the Swindon case needs investigating, reports BBC News.

The DVLA’s response to the FOI request did not say which offences the penalty points related to and gave no further information about the driver from Swindon. It explained that although it compiles the figures on court cases involving driving offences it has no influence on verdicts.

Elliot Griffiths, from the Magistrates’ Association, said: "I accept that something appears to be wrong with [the figures in the Swindon case] and they need to be looked at.

"I can’t even conceive how somebody can have 20, 30, 40 points and not be disqualified. I can’t work it out. I’d be very interested to see how it happened."

Cath Harley, from the road safety charity Brake, said: "It’s completely unacceptable that people are clocking up to 39 points on their licence.

"Again this is a risk to other road users and it’s absolutely vital that people who exceed 12 points on their licence do in fact receive a driving ban."

Click here to read the full BBC News report.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      There is a fundamental flaw in Ivan’s comment – If Drivetech had made a load of money out of the Swindon driver, the driver would not have amassed 39 points. The courses are an alternative to the points and surely a far more positive option! I find it incredulous that someone can get that many points and not be banned. Inconsistencies such as this simply create greater suspicion amongst those who like conspiracy theories.

      Bob, Portsmouth
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      Only if they were speeding offences – and there is a limit to the number of courses offered before penalties are incurred. Whilst our current system (nationally) of diversion courses may not be perfect I still believe we have more chance of changing behaviour by explaining and education than merely by punishment.

      Mandy Rigault, Oxfordshire
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      Does one suspect that he has been sent on lots of speed awareness courses so that Drivetech can make lots of money?

      Ivan, Suffolk
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