Extra eyes for school crossing patrols

13.14 | 28 May 2010 | | 10 comments

Bath and North East Somerset Council has invested in pole-mounted technology to help tackle the problem of drive-throughs and aggressive driving.

Cameras mounted on lollipops enable SCPs to capture rogue drivers on film and provide the image to the police. Footage of drivers ignoring SCP instruction can be used as evidence for possible prosecution

Bath and North East Somerset Council’s traffic and safety team has purchased three of the Routesafe monitors. Two will be used on a permanent basis at sites within Bath city centre and the third will be dispatched to problem sites as and when required on a rotational basis.

For more information contact Irene Stewart on 01225 394922.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Yes, signage is a legal requirement and must be erected at individual sites where Routesafe is being deployed. At Bath and North East Somerset Council we are trialling Routesafe at 3 different locations.We have erected signage to advise drivers they are entering a an area where they could be filmed by CCTV and this has not proved a problem. Regarding the weight of the pole, 3 of our school crossing patrol staff are regularly using this equipment and none have commented on the weight of the pole. The message is if you drive through a school crossing patrol you WILL be recorded and identified.

      Thank you all for your kind comments.

      Irene Stewart Bath and North East Somerset Council
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      Following on from Dave’s comment – yes, something has definitely gone seriously wrong on our roads, as so many people are still being killed and injured…..I think that we should do all that we can to help stop this, and fully support the initiative

      Carole, Leeds
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      To help those thinking about using camera technology on School Crossing Patol sites, the Road Safety GB SCP Advisor Group have developed guidelines to take you through the sometimes complex legal issues that need to be addressed if you hope to use the images as evidence in court (or even if you use cameras only as a deterrant). These will be on the Road Safety GB website soon

      Richard Hall, North Lincolnshire Council
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      I think this is a damning indictment of road use in this country. Something has gone very seriously wrong on our roads if we are having to use CCTV to protect school crossing patrols and those who use them…

      Dave, Leeds
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      This technology comes under the ‘body-worn video legislation’ and as such requires public notification of its use. However, we have found that the use of additional signage significantly improves the overall deterrent effect and improves driver behaviour

      Harry, Hampshire
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      I have been researching this product and no-one was able to provide me with any information regarding a successful prosecution of any driver using this technology. Also, as previously stated I have been advised that legally you are required to provide signage advising the public that they are entering an area where CCTV is being used.

      Jeanne Morgan @ Knowsley MBC
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      I hope that this technology will be taken up by all ALL UK councils/road traffic and safety teams asap. The School Crossing Patrol Team ((Lollypop ladies and gentlemen) are the dedicated men and women employed by the Local Authority to oversee the safe road crossing of school children.

      We are told that drivers don’t seem to realise that it is dangerous to ignore an Official School Crossing – Official Crossing where Vulnerable Children are crossing on their way to School!. Have you ever heard such utter nonsense? It’s time to stop making excuses for drivers’ blatant, irresponsible dangerous and criminal driving behaviour.

      MPs have stated that anyone driving across a railway level crossing when barriers are down should be charged with Dangerous Driving.

      Should not motorists who show a blatant disregard, for the lives of adults and children on the authorised school crossing be charged with, at least, Dangerous Driving – As they knowingly put Innocent lives in Danger. But, unbelievably, this Blatant Criminal Act is Classed as ‘Careless Driving’ (a minor offence).

      Bridget – Norfolk

      Bridget – Norfolk
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      Well done Irene, another positive step to add to the 100% filling of your SCP sites.

      Alan Hale – South Gloucestershire
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      Are signs required stating that “CCTV is operating in this area” for each patrol point?

      Paul, Manchester
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      I support the use of this technology. Drivers and riders who put vulnerable road users lives at risk with this appalling behaviour should be prosecuted.

      Mark – Wiltshire
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