Familiar face backs new RoadSafe campaign

15.24 | 31 January 2011 | | 1 comment

RoadSafe for Parents, the campaign that reminds parents of their unique ability to keep young drivers safe, has received backing from Phillip Schofield.

Philip Schofield says: “As a TV presenter, you research, script, rehearse and plan. In short, you leave nothing to chance.

“It should be the same when learning to drive. Better planning and education for young drivers will save lives, and better information for parents is key to keeping our children safe. That’s why I am supporting RoadSafe for Parents.”

According to RoadSafe for Parents there is increasing evidence that social factors have an impact on young drivers, and parental involvement is significant.

Poppy Husband, evidence base researcher for Devon County Council, said: “Research shows, if parents take risks it is likely that their children will too. By monitoring their own driving, parents can play a key role in reducing the number of crashes involving young people.”

Adrian Walsh, RoadSafe director, has offered a number of tips for parents, including: setting a good example; taking a course or driving lesson to bring your skills up-to-date: putting a young driver in the safest car affordable; finding an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI); and thinking of simple solutions to problems such as offering to pick your child up or pay for a taxi.

Schools and organisations can help too. Software company a2om International has donated Drive iQ to more than 3,000 schools across Great Britain.

Nick Rowley, a2om CEO, says: “Parents and guardians have a critical role in helping young people become good, safe drivers.

“We are in the best position to act as role models and pass on our valuable knowledge and experience to help them prepare for things they may face when driving alone.”

Many road safety teams have already linked to the new RoadSafe for Parents site. Others wishing to do so should contact: info@roadsafe.com

For more information contact Clare Simpson on 0207 344 9236, or Adrian Walsh on 07887 552 708.


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      Absolutely right but don’t just start being a role model when your children are starting to think about driving. Over the years many studies have shown that children start to learn and emulate their role models from the age of two or less. If, when your children are very young, you drive fast, brake late, sound the horn and shout at other road users, etc, don’t be surprised when your children do it when they start to drive. After all you taught them to do it.
      When children are very young their parents are likely to be young drivers themselves. By encouraging parents to be good role models when their children are very young we may help to address the young driver problem from two directions.

      David Clark, North Yorkshire
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