Fire & Rescue to engage with road safety

14.18 | 14 June 2011 | | 3 comments

The Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) is coordinating a National Road Safety Engagement Day to engage with motorists and raise road safety awareness.

The event, on 22 July, looks to deliver two road safety messages: ‘Only a fool breaks the two second rule’ and ‘It’s better to arrive five minutes late in this life than to arrive five minutes early in the next’.

Kevin Pearson, CFOA lead on road safety, said: “Our purpose is to try to engage with motorists using the entire road network. Our message to motorists is that if you have time, please take a few minutes out of your journey to talk to our fire-fighters. The information they can give you will not only help to ensure your journey continues safely, but it could also save your life.

 “Our involvement on this day represents our commitment for the next 10 years. This is in line with the United Nations ‘Decade for Action’ and the European Charter ‘25,000 Lives to Save’.

“We want to see fewer accidents, less deaths and less injuries. Our professional fire-fighters can help to achieve this aim.”

The nation’s Fire and Rescue Services will identify strategic locations in their own area to enable them to deliver road safety messages.

CFOA HQ will co-ordinate the event and look for high level media opportunities with BBC, ITV, Sky TV and the national press.

For more information contact Martin Doyle, community safety manager, on 01606 868436.


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      Can someone send me a link to the definition of the 2 second rule as my searches on Brake, Think and other websites aren’t giving me any clarity.

      Emm Dodd
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      Too late for this year unfortunately but please get in touch so your organisation can be included in our consultation process for 2012.

      best regards
      Jackie Findlay, CFOA

      Jackie Findlay, Chief Fire Officers Association
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      I wish the CFOA had spoken to their partner agencies about this in advance – Saturday 23rd July is the first day of the school holidays and is an identified high risk day on the major trunk routes – we could have coordinated a data led event that would target a known priority high traffic day – is it too late to move it by a day, please?

      Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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