First Road Safety GB online forum deemed a success

12.00 | 28 October 2015 | | 3 comments

The first Road Safety GB online forum took place yesterday afternoon (27 Oct), and with 17 questions covering a wide range of motorcycle-related topics, the session has been declared a success.

The first forum focussed on motorcycling and the safety of motorcyclists, with interested parties invited to submit questions to Road Safety GB’s motorcycling experts, Gareth Tuffery and Mike Wilson, who answered them in real time.

Questions focussed on all areas of motorcycling, from driver training and education to overtaking and protective clothing. All the questions and answers can be found in the forum.

Mike and Gareth’s answers generated more questions, creating an effective dialogue between the experts and those wanting their insight and opinions on the topics.

Nick Rawlings, editor of Road Safety News, said: “We are very pleased with the success of our first forum, and grateful to Mike Wilson and Gareth Tuffery for hosting it.

“Mike and Gareth fielded some thought-provoking questions and have provided expert advice and guidance which will remain available online for others to digest over the coming weeks.

“We hope to host another forum this year, probably in early December, and will announce the date, time and topic in the next week or so.”

Contact Nick Rawlings to suggest a topic for a future forum.


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      I learned quite a lot from the open forum. That said I am now more of the opinion that some changes have to take place and some serious thinking needs to be done in order to change certain concepts, attitudes and maybe the ethos of motorcycling and that of some individuals. There is a Paper that was recently prepared by and published by the newly formed Joint Police and Manufacturers Association and it identified and was spot on in relating what went wrong historically. Of institutionalised mistakes and neglect as part of and leading to the present marginalisation of the present motorcycle road scene. It goes on to encompass motorcycling as a valuable asset and one that has been marginalised and under funded for to long.

      I urge all readers of this site to take time to read the report by that newly established joint body and to realise that mistakes have been made in the past.

      Bob Craven..Lancs..Space is Safer Campaigner
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      I believe it to be a worthwhile exercise. Some useful information and some interesting comments and observations. Well done. Look forward to the next one.

      Bob Craven lancs…Space is Safer Campaigner
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      Many thanks to Mike and Gareth for some excellent answers. Sadly I was unable to join the discussion live, but I’ve been given some food for thought for the forthcoming project, my colleagues and I are planning. Thanks also to all the many contributors.

      Martin, Suffolk
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