Speed dating is returning to the 2019 National Road Safety Conference – with eight road safety practitioners already confirmed to take part in the session.
Organised by Road Safety GB, the 11th running of the National Conference takes place at The International Centre in Telford on 12-13 November.
The 2019 conference will follow a similar format to previous years, with both a main and fringe programme running concurrently. There are also a number of new initiatives – including an informal chat show style session on the closing afternoon.
Speed Dating made its debut in 2018 and proved very popular, with 91% of those who completed the post event survey rating the session as ‘excellent or good’.
Speed Dating comprises a quick-fire series of five-minute presentations by road safety practitioners showcasing interventions and initiatives they have developed and are delivering in their local area. (Click here to watch the 2018 Speed Dating presentations)
The full 2019 Speed Dating line up will comprise 12-14 presentations and the ones already confirmed are:
- Charging schools (and others) for road safety interventions
Delivered by Robin Wythe, road safety officer, Telford & Wrekin Council - RoadSense (transition to secondary school)
Lancashire Road Safety Partnership & Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service (speaker TBC) - Kagan Cooperative Learning Techniques
Delivered by Kate Castle, road safety officer, Warwickshire County Council - The County School Challenge
Delivered by Keith Millard, senior behavioural change officer, Northamptonshire Highways - Don’t Chance It – partnership campaign targeting older pedestrians
Delivered by Carl Milton, regional logistics and supply chain manager, CEMEX UK - ‘Street Spirit’ Campaign – Engaging with Young Riders
Delivered by Andy Stroulger, road traffic casualty reduction manager, Essex County Fire & Rescue Service - Biker Down – the next steps
Delivered by Jim Sanderson, crew manager, Kent Fire & Rescue Service road safety team - A*STARS – working in partnership with public health
Delivered by Alana Barlow, senior road safety officer, Walsall Council
Anyone interested in participating in the session should contact Nick Rawlings by email with a brief overview of the intervention and/or their proposed presentation.
Delegate registration
Delegate registration is now open and the full residential fee is £355 for Road Safety GB/Academy members, and £445 for other attendees. The residential rate includes all conference sessions, refreshments throughout the two days, overnight accommodation and the conference dinner.
Day delegate places are available for both or either day, from £105 (all prices plus VAT).
Click here to book a place to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration) or Nick Rawlings (agenda/speakers etc) on 01379 650112.
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