Global youth organisation publishes road safety posters

15.24 | 2 August 2011 |

‘YOURS’ (Youth for Road Safety) has published a series of road safety posters for young people around the world.

The ‘Surreal Posters’ series was launched to coincide with the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and depicts drivers, cyclists and pedestrians in situations that illustrate their vulnerability on the road. The posters focus on the consequences of failing to use seatbelts and helmets, drinking and driving, speeding, and not being visible when walking or cycling on the road. They will be distributed worldwide through YOURS’ global youth network.

Floor Lieshout, director of YOURS, said: “These posters are just one tool that YOURS is employing to make young people aware of the dangers of the road. We, as young people, are the most vulnerable road users in the world.

“That is why it is our responsibility, as emerging young leaders, to stand up and do our part in behaving responsibly and demanding our safety on the world’s roads.”

Click here for more information and to download the posters for free.


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