IAM calls for long-term commitment to solve “pothole crisis”

12.00 | 29 August 2013 | | 2 comments

Following a survey of local authority highways authorities, the IAM is calling on councils "to commit to long term funding to see progress with the UK’s pothole crisis".

The IAM recently issued a Freedom of Information request, to which 76 councils responded, in order to chart progress on implementing key recommendations 12 months on from the Pothole Review. The road safety charity says that the results show that councils are adopting new policies and are being much more open about how and when they will fill potholes.

According to the IAM, 47% of councils surveyed said that had published a report giving details on their repair policy and 85% say they have clear definitions of what a pothole looks like. 77% of authorities publish clear information on their response time for repairs and 57% adopt ‘innovative communication channels’ to make it easier for the general public to report a pothole.

The IAM says that the Pothole Review has led to significant changes in the way that councils repair roads. 59% of councils said that now they adopt a ‘prevention is better than cure’ approach and 71% say that permanent repairs are their first choice when dealing with damaged roads.

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, said: “It’s probably too early to say that the Pothole Review has been a total success, but the early indications are mostly positive. 

"Communication with drivers and riders has improved and permanent repairs are now being used in place of constant patching.

“The building blocks are in place but the fact that complaints still seem to be rising means they have a real challenge on their hands. At least in future that challenge and their response will be quantified and public and we will be watching for signs of real progress on the street.

“The IAM recognises that it will take time to deliver the quality of roads we want but the lack of long term budgets in many councils is a real worry. We may now know what constitutes a pothole but without consistent funding many will still go unrepaired storing up even more long term damage for the future.”

Click here to read the full IAM news release.



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      I don’t know how a local authority can have a prevention policy without renewing all road surfaces before degradation takes place. Potholes and degradation takes place with locality and usage. All traffic, and in particular heavy traffic, starts the rot by spreading and squashing and stretching the surface which eventually breaks the surface and allows water to penetrate; that water, in winter, expands and contracts and breaks up the road surface.

      All roads are subject to these forces, some more than others. Other local matters also have their effect. So good luck councils.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Perhaps in a time of austerity the £148,000,000 this government and local authorities are giving to promote safer and/or segregated cycling could be used to make their highways safer and promote the use of them for all of us to possibly benefit.

      bob craven Lancs
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