With a little over a month to go, the agenda for this year’s ICE Live event is now complete.
ICE Live is the UK’s only road and community safety virtual reality (VR) event.
Organised by FirstCar, in conjunction with Road Safety GB and West Midlands Police, ICE Live aims to raise awareness of the latest research, evaluation, ideas, films and interventions using the rapidly evolving technology.
The 2023 edition takes place at the Tally Ho Conference & Banqueting Centre, Edgbaston, on Wednesday 18 October.
Delegate registration remains open.
What’s on the agenda?
Kicking things off the event is Dr Lisa Dorn, who will take delegates through what it takes to plan effective interventions using VR. She’ll explore the science and research to help provide a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
This will be followed by professor Gary Burnett, who delivers lectures to his students using VR. Using published research and his own experiences, Gary will guide delegates through what future opportunities might exist for virtual and augmented reality education.
The agenda also features a session from people deploying VR education.
This includes Clare Fletcher, who has been instrumental in co-ordinating a new water safety film, Charlene Hudson from Network Rail to talk about their experiences engaging workforces with VR education and James Marman, who helped develop the Hazard Express virtual reality van.
Rounding out this section will be Dr Dan Bishop, to share their research and experiences delivering cycle training using VR.
After a lunch break, the agenda looks at how VR education is being used at both ends of the age spectrum.
James O’Connell will lead a presentation about a new staying safe online film, which is targeted at primary school children around the time they get their first mobile phone.
He will discuss the extensive user consultation and concept development process, ensuring this intervention could be used with a younger age group.
Immediately afterwards, the attention will turn to older drivers with a group presentation including Rob Heard, June Howlett, Ian Edwards, Fay Cannon and Rosalie Taylor.
This will explore how the ICE Hub crowdfunded older driver intervention was planned and how it’s being delivered within communities. Ian will talk through the evaluation, which at time of recording, is showing statistically significant positive results.
Finally, Dr Gemma Briggs will outline a research project involving mixed reality – exploring in which this rapidly evolving technology might provide additional opportunities for road safety education, training and research.
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