This year’s Road Safety Week, which takes place between 19-25 November, will bring communities and professionals together to talk about speed.
Organised by Brake, Road Safety Week is described as the UK’s biggest annual road safety campaign.
The 2023 campaign will start the conversation about why speeding is thought of as acceptable in some situations, what happens when we speed and why reducing speed saves lives.
The theme was set following discussions with representatives from community groups, the police, Government, businesses, educators and other charities.
This year’s campaign will see a day for each of the aforementioned groups connected with Road Safety Week – meaning there will be many ways for everyone to get involved.
Ross Moorlock, Interim CEO at Brake, said: “Every time we drive faster than the speed limit, or too fast for the road conditions, we increase the risk of a crash – and we increase the chance that someone will be killed or hurt on the road.
“The faster you go, the longer the stopping distance and the harder you will hit something.
“Whoever you are, and however you travel – this year we are challenging everyone to start talking about speed with your friends, families and colleagues.”
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