The National Young Rider Forum is calling on stakeholders to help promote a survey which aims to help provide an up-to-date picture of the views and experiences of young riders, to support them to be safe while riding.
The survey forms part of the Young Riders Matter project, funded by The Road Safety Trust.
The survey covers a variety of topics, including training, wearing PPE and feelings about riding. It is open to 16-24 year-olds.
In return for completing the survey, participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a brand new SHARP accredited motorcycle helmet – worth up to £300.
The National Young Rider Forum is encouraging local authorities, motorcycle organisations and other stakeholders alike to share the survey, the results of which will seek to inform educational initiatives going forward.
Click here to view and share the survey.
Heidi Duffy MBE, facilitator of the National Young Rider Forum, said: “Young motorcyclists continue to be over represented in the KSI casualty statistics, despite accounting for fewer numbers and miles travelled on our roads than all other road user groups.
“With this research project, the NYRF will take its knowledge and work with young riders to the next level. The project will build upon a strong foundation that NYRF have formed since 2019.
“It will provide new information and learning about young riders particularly those working in the GIG economy or affected by the cost-of-living crisis who use a motorcycle to access education, work or leisure.”
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