Milton Keynes City Council is offering schools the use of ‘pupil signs’ as part of a new campaign to improve road safety outside the school gates.
The 15 bespoke signs feature pupils in different uniform colours holding a lollipop sign saying ‘Think Before You Park’, and are used by a number of councils around the country to help counter dangerous parking.
Schools use the signs in areas where parking is not permitted for safety reasons, such as yellow ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zags and where extra visibility is needed for drivers and pedestrians.
The 15 signs are on offer to any MK school from September, loaned for free for a month at a time, to remind drivers to park safely and to look out for pedestrians near school entrances and exits.
Cllr Lauren Townsend, cabinet member for public realm, said: “Many schools experience road safety issues on a daily basis caused by inconsiderate parking and poor driver behaviour.
“This is just one way that we’re tackling this issue by using these pupil signs as a physical reminder to all road users to be aware of children and other pedestrians when they are dropping off or picking up at the school gates or driving through.”
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