A new interactive map which looks at driving laws across Europe has been developed to help British drivers travelling across the continent this summer.
Created by iCarhireinsurance, the ‘European Driving Laws – In-country data map’ helps drivers to make sure they know the key laws before visiting a country.
The map enables users to hover over a particular country to reveal information including the motorway speed limit, alcohol limit, licence requirements, side of road, winterisation, mobile phone fine and ‘must-haves’.
For example, whereas in England the alcohol limit in 50mg per 100ml, Iceland adopts a no alcohol allowed policy. Countries such as Poland (20mg) and Greece (25mg) also have lower alcohol limits.
Those planning to drive in France this summer during the European Championships need to be aware that under French laws they must have with them headlamp beam deflectors, a warning triangle, a reflective jacket and a breathalyser.
iCarhireinsurance is keen to ensure drivers avoid any ‘nasty shocks’, issuing a reminder that a financial penalty or even a driving ban may be imposed if laws are breached.
The insurer’s website reads: “If you’re planning on driving in a country you’re unfamiliar with, make sure you know the key laws before setting off.
“Negotiating the roads and highways in foreign countries is challenging enough, without factoring in the rules and regulations which must be followed. A financial penalty, driving ban or possibly worse may be imposed if one or more of these is breached.”
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