Motorcycle KSIs ‘reducing in all regions’ – MAG

12.15 | 12 November 2020 | | 8 comments

The Motorcycle Action Group says motorcycling is ‘getting safer’, and therefore ‘long standing prejudices are not legitimate and must be challenged’.

MAG’s comments come on the back of new analysis it has carried out to establish whether the safety of vulnerable road users – motorcyclists, pedal cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians – is improving or getting worse.

looks at trends in casualty statistics among these groups over the five year period 2015-2019.

The analysis shows motorcyclist KSIs reduced in all GB regions across the five-year period.

Meanwhile, KSIs among motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians significantly reduced in Lancashire, while pedestrians fare worst in Lincolnshire.

MAG says the KSI rate per billion vehicle miles ‘flipped’ in London in 2019, with the rate for cyclists becoming ‘slightly higher’ than that for motorcyclists.

MAG says its findings ‘open the way for a fresh perspective on VRU road safety’.

Colin Brown, director of campaigns & political engagement at MAG, who authored the report, said: “This analysis looks at regional and local authority levels and we found that national figures hide wide differences across the country. 

“We will go on to look at road safety approaches and campaigns on the ground. By finding any differences at local level, we hope to identify what works and what doesn’t.”

Colin Brown added: “Commentary on motorcycling tends to be negative. I have shown in this analysis that there is cause to challenge that attitude. 

“We all want to see more work done to improve the safety of riders; however, motorcycling policy and safety needs fresh perspective. 

“MAG is working to promote the many benefits of motorcycling, but the critics habitually position safety as a blocker. 

“In reality, motorcycling is getting safer. Therefore, long standing prejudices are not legitimate and must be challenged.”

The MAG study has been welcomed by other VRU stakeholders including the British Horse Society, Living Streets and British Cycling.

Colin Brown recently participated in episode of the RSGB Talk podcast, recorded as part of the Festival of Road Safety. Click here to listen to ‘Motorcycles – the forgotten mode of transport?’.



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    Good for you Simon. I presume that you haven’t passed your test yet then if you have trouble holding your head up, balancing and staying awake at 20mph.

    Rod King, Lymm
    Agree (0) | Disagree (15)

    When I’m riding I have my head up high so I can see where I’m going and what’s happening around me.

    Simon Hollows, Barnsley
    Agree (29) | Disagree (0)

    As a report by MAG as a reputable organisation is factual and to the point. And it’s great that the data is showing improvement. But I am uneasy that the relative risk versus car risk (this data is in RCGB each year) is not being mentioned to be fully transparent. I appreciate that disaggregated data at local level may be unavailable but the national level data remains available and concerning. My point here is that people have choices and data should be transparent to inform those choices.

    Peter Whitfield, Liverpool
    Agree (5) | Disagree (1)


    Its a question of balance. If you can’t balance at low speeds then should you be in charge of s motorcycle?

    Rod King, Lymm
    Agree (2) | Disagree (45)

    If riders can’t ‘stay awake’ or ‘stay upright’ at low speeds, perhaps motorcycling is not for them after all and time spent on a bicycle with stabilisers coupled with a good night’s sleep might be the order of the day?

    Hugh Jones, Cheshire
    Agree (0) | Disagree (49)

    Of course motorcycling is becoming safer, bikes are more reliable with improvements like ABS and traction control, better tyres, lights, reduced emissions, longer service intervals (environmental impact), even electric bikes. The graded licensing system and initiatives on helping new riders progress and go onto advanced schemes like ROSPR/ IAM and more focused safety apparel to ware. As Councils move to modify barriers with motorcyclists in mind by adding bike guard rails it will be even better! Public perception is also changing especially since engines became water cooled and quiet. However, you can only mitigate the risks but not remove them and the consequences of a collision can be severe and life changing, which is why ongoing training and a disciplined professional attitude needs to be impressed on riders if we are to push the odds in our favour.

    Hogbrush, Sheffield
    Agree (39) | Disagree (1)

    Things are going to get worse though, if we have 20mph limits everywhere, a bike needs to move to stay up right and riders need stimulation to stay awake. We need some realism in setting these limits so they make a difference not use them as a punishment for motorists. So fine in places like schools but not everywhere as they are planning in Wales and now Westminster has been manipulated in this fad. What happened to teaching the basics of road safety from good parenting, school and so on?

    Simon Hollows, Barnsley
    Agree (54) | Disagree (3)

    “In reality, motorcycling is getting safer.” What does that mean exactly? Is it that motorcycles per se are technically safer or, that there has been a sea change in motorcyclists’ attitudes to safety and improvement in riding, hence less collisions?

    Hugh Jones, Cheshire
    Agree (0) | Disagree (55)

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