The DfT has announced a £42m cycle investment fund to support long-term cycle strategies in cities, and has published a guidance document for local authorities.
The Government has been working closely with individual cities and across Government departments to agree a series of tailored ‘city deals’ that will help unlock economic potential.
The Government has announced that it is looking to civic and private sector leaders to identify their economic priorities and to develop specific propositions setting out what they would do differently, and what needs to change for this to happen.
The guidance document underscores that while the fund is predominantly geared towards improving conditions for cyclists, it is important that the needs of pedestrians are fully taken into account. Schemes that promote walking, as well as cycling, are encouraged as part of a wider active travel strategy.
This funding is part of the £107m the Government announced during 2012 for investment over 2012-13 to 2014-15, and is in addition to the £600m for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund spread over the four years to 2014-15.
The £42m will comprise two elements: an urban element and an element for rural areas that are covered by National Parks.
Click here to download the guide: City Deals – Guidance on Applications for Cycle City Ambition Grants.
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