Don’t steer your partner towards an argument, warns GEM

12.00 | 26 February 2013 |

GEM Motoring Assist is warning motorists to avoid arguing with their partners while driving, after a survey revealed that almost half of drivers have ‘heated discussions’ following criticism of their driving.

In the poll of UK motorists, 74% said that their partner criticises their driving and almost half said these comments often result in an argument. Close to half of respondents also said that these disagreements can make them feel more stressed and tense while driving.

GEM is concerned that these conversations could distract motorists and pose a risk to safety.

David Williams MBE, CEO of GEM, said: “Although it is common for us all to have disagreements with our partner, it is certainly not appropriate to start a journey or continue driving while under any kind of stress or strain. These situations must be avoided so that driving conditions can be as stress-free and distraction-free as possible.”


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