A passionate biker had a great start to 2014 when he won £1,000 to spend in his local motorcycle shop, courtesy of a competition organized by TSO (The Stationery Office), the official publisher for the DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency).
Donald Barclay won TSO’s 2013 ‘Win Bike Gear Competition’ by answering all the competition entry questions correctly and completing the tie breaker question: “Learning to ride will change my life, because…?”
Donald winning answer was: “My father was a passionate motorcyclist and I hope to continue motorcycling through our family as it is the most fun I’ve had.”
Donald said: “When I won I was shocked but very happy! I enter a few competitions but never hear anything back so it was great to be a winner of something I’m passionate about.”
Donald’s prize is £1,000 worth of vouchers to spend at his chosen motorcycle shop, Shirlaws in Aberdeen.
For more information about the competition contact Tracey Woodhouse at TSO Marketing on 01603 694443.
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