Campaign launched to highlight Scotland’s lower drink drive limit

12.00 | 17 November 2014 | | 1 comment

A public information campaign has been launched to prepare Scotland’s drivers for a new lower drink drive limit being introduced on 5 December.

The Scottish Parliament will vote tomorrow on an order which will lower the blood alcohol limit from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood.

The awareness campaign includes TV, video-on-demand and radio adverts across Scotland, including ITV Borders which covers areas south of the border.

The two 10-second videos (one for beer and one for wine) carry the campaign message ‘the best advice is none’ when it comes to drinking and driving.

The video and radio commercials are backed by a digital and social media campaign, and Scotland-wide awareness raising events in high footfall public venues such as supermarkets and key transport hubs including Edinburgh airport.

The new lower limit will also be highlighted via electronic road signs across Scotland, particularly on border roads between England and Scotland.

Kenny MacAskill, Scotland’s justice secretary, said: “We are doing everything we can to make sure everyone is informed about the new lower level.

“Our advice is simple, the best approach is to have no alcohol at all. Alcohol at any level impairs driving.

“This new law will bring Scotland into line with most of Europe and hopefully reduce drink drive arrests and prosecutions, as we have already seen in the Republic of Ireland, where drivers adjusted their behaviour to take account of the lower limit.”

Chief superintendent Iain Murray, head of roads policing for Police Scotland, said: "In the lead up to 5 December police patrols will positively engage with as many road users as possible to provide real-time education to those who may be putting themselves and others at risk."

Michael McDonnell, director of Road Safety Scotland, said: “Evidence from across the world demonstrates that the best results in tackling drink-driving are achieved by lowering the limit, or increasing enforcement, or both.

“We know, too, that a combination of high-profile enforcement, coupled with a heavyweight media campaign is the most efficient use of resources.

“It’s not about catching more drink-drivers, but about preventing people from doing it in the first place. Ultimately, most of us have too much to lose, so it’s just not worth the risk.”


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    What is the best approach before the 5th December? I like the visual with glass turning to a zero but the voice over maybe should have said the best advice is still none.

    Peter Westminster
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