Online forum programme will kick off with focus on motorcyclists’ safety

12.00 | 5 October 2015 | | 4 comments

Road Safety GB has unveiled plans to host a series of online forums on its website, the first of which will focus on the safety of motorcyclists.

The forums will follow the same format as those held earlier this year as part of Global Road Safety Week, with readers invited to submit questions in advance or during the seminar.
The motorcycling forum will take place on Tuesday 27 October, 12.30 – 1.30pm and will be hosted by Road Safety GB’s two motorcycling specialists, Gareth Tuffery and Mike Wilson who will answer questions in real time during the seminar.
For the past 10 years Mike Wilson (left in pic) has worked in Leicestershire County Council’s road safety education team. He has responsibility for “all things motorcycle” in the Leicestershire county area as well as supporting the road safety teams in Leicester City and Rutland councils. Recently he secured funding from the Leicestershire Road Safety Partnership for a Triumph Sprint (see pic) to assist with biker education initiatives.
Prior to his current post Mike had a career in the police force which spanned more than 30 years and included 12 years on traffic patrol. He has Police Advanced Grade 1 qualifications for Motorcycles and Cars.  
Mike has owned and ridden motorcycles since the age of 16 years and says he is a “believer in education rather than punishment where the circumstances allow, but agree that stronger measures are sometimes required”.
Gareth Tuffery (right in pic) came into road safety in the 1990s and is currently principal road safety officer with the London Borough of Southwark. 
While working for Surrey County Council he organised a motorcycle conference to address the casualties with predominately the leisure motorcyclist on the county’s roads, and as a result secured a motorcycle strategy for Surrey. In addition to his role as specialist advisor for Road Safety GB, Gareth also sat on the National Motorcycle Council (now disbanded) and the Government Advisory Group for Motorcycling.
Click here to submit a question in advance of the seminar, which Mike and Gareth will answer during the session on 27 October.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I would look to support ideas that can reduce the vulneranility of motorcyclists on the roads of GB. Please read the joint motorcycling strategy produced by the MCIA & NPCC in 2015.

      DCC Tim Madgwick Police HQ North Yorkshire
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      Hi Garrad,
      The National Motorcycle Council was a coalition of motorcycling ogrganisations coming together in the mid 90s. The Council raised awareness of motorcycling among those with an interest in transport and policy. After successfully working in partnership with the Government to produce a national motorcycling strategy, the Council has now been disabandoned with the work of the strategy now completed.

      Apologies – the blurb under my name suggests the Council is still active which is not actually the case – we will amend accordingly.

      Gareth Tuffery, RSGB motorcycling specialist.

      Gareth Tuffery RSGB Motorcycle Specialist
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      Where can I find information about the National Motorcycle Council? I have not been able to find anything on the web.

      Garrad, Bristol
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      Thanks for putting this together. Any help in measures to reduce the motorcycle KSI toll is well worth having.

      David, Suffolk
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