The 2018 edition of Young Driver Focus will once again be staged at the event’s ‘spiritual home’, the prestigious Royal Automobile Club in London’s Pall Mall on Wednesday 25 April.
Young Driver Focus 2018 will be jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation, in association with the young driver insurer ingenie, who has been the event’s headline sponsor for the past four years.
Delegate registration is now open and there is once again an attractive ‘early bird’ rate for the first 50 Road Safety GB and Academy members who register to attend.
Now in its fifth year, Young Driver Focus is now firmly established on the road safety calendar as the ‘must attend’ event for road safety professionals seeking to learn more about young drivers; how they think and behave, and how to address the challenge of reducing casualties caused by this most vulnerable road user group.
Planning for the 2018 event is underway the organisers hope to be in a position to publish an outline agenda by the end of September or early October.
The event will follow a similar format to previous years, with a mix of presentations from academics and road safety practitioners.
However, following feedback from attendees there will be more time set aside for interaction with the audience, including a ‘Question Time’ session featuring some of the speakers.
There will also be a ‘fringe’ event running alongside the main conference programme, which will include a practical workshop focusing on the use of behavioural change techniques (BCTs) in the use of road safety interventions.
As in previous years, the 2018 FirstCar Young Driver Road Safety Awards will also be presented on the day.

The early bird rate for Road Safety GB and Academy members is just £125 plus VAT.
The rate for other attendees from the public sector and for those from the third sector and academia is £175, and for all other attendees is £195 (both plus VAT).
All previous editions of Young Driver Focus have sold out in advance of the day, and the organisers once again expect this to be the case in 2018.
James Evans, founder of FirstCar, said: “Last year we were proud to welcome a record number of delegates representing a record number of different organisations, and we’re hoping YDF 2018 will be even better attended.
“Young driver issues are at the heart of what we do at FirstCar and this conference seeks to bring together like minded road safety professionals in one room, on one day to uniquely address and discuss these very specific issues.”
Click here to book to attend or for more information contact Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) or Sally Bartrum (delegate registration). Both can be reached on 01379 650112.
There is also an opportunity for a small number of organisations to exhibit alongside the conference – for more information about this (and sponsorship opportunities) contact Richard Storrs, commercial direct at FirstCar, on 07707 56 44 22.
Categories: Young Drivers, Events.
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