The agenda for the 2022 edition of the National Road Safety Conference is starting to take shape, including three presentations in a session looking at road safety research.
Road Safety GB’s flagship event has not been held as a live conference since 2019, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. But with restrictions lifted, the event will return later this year at The Majestic Hotel in Harrogate on 9-10 November.
Delegate registration is now open, with a special rate for Road Safety GB and Academy members. Full/residential and day delegate packages are available, as is the opportunity to book accommodation on the evening prior to the conference (8 Nov).
The agenda is currently under development, with more than a dozen added to the main agenda – and four on the Fringe.
On the main agenda, presentations fall into the following sessions: Road Safety Research, What’s on the Horizon?, The Road to Vision Zero, Influencing Road User Behaviour and Topical Topics.
Among the confirmed presentations in the Road Safety Research session will look at research into rural road segmentation.
The RAC Foundation has commissioned Agilysis to conduct a piece of research with the aim of establishing a process for segmenting the road network into useful categories based on the engineering, traffic and environmental characteristics of a large sample of routes.
The research is being done with the aim of supporting more meaningful analysis of the road safety challenges faced on rural roads.
The key findings of this work, and their relevant application to road safety research and policy development will be outlined in the presentation – delivered by Bruce Walton, technical director of Agilysis and Elizabeth Box, research director of the RAC Foundation.
Elizabeth Box will also present on the pre-driver theatre and workshop education research (PdTWER).
This programme of research was commissioned in response to interest from the road safety community about how to deliver interventions that contribute towards safer driving among young drivers.
The research has been funded by the RAC Foundation, the Road Safety Trust, National Fire Chiefs Council, Road Safety GB and Kent Fire & Rescue Services.
The purpose of the research, which will be completed before the end of 2022, is to establish the best way to use pre-driver theatre and workshop education to support young and novice driver safety.
This presentation will give an overview of the research, before going on to outline some key recommendations for the road safety sector.
Also in the session will be a presentation from Matt Staton, Road Safety GB’s director of research, titled ‘Why now is a great time to be involved in road safety’.
Against the backdrop of a decade of austerity and stagnating road fatalities, this presentation will set out some of the key developments in road safety in the UK and internationally and highlight reasons to be optimistic as a road safety professional in 2022.
The presentation also sets the scene for further presentations in this session on some of the most recent developments in UK road safety and how the industry is moving forwards in the second UN Decade of Action.
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