National Conference Question Time line-up now complete

12.00 | 21 October 2015 | | 1 comment

The five-person panel for the Question Time session of the National Road Safety Conference 2015 is now complete.

Carly Brookfield, CEO of the Driving Instructors’ Association (DIA), and Jeremy Phillips, road casualty reduction team manager for Devon County Council, have been added to the line-up which already included James Cracknell OBE, Andrew Perry and Dr Sarah Jones.

The session, which takes place at 11.30am on day two of the conference (19 Oct), will follow the format of the BBC political show of the same name.

Carly Brookfield is a passionate advocate of the importance of professional driver training in delivering safer new drivers, as well as developing the skills of existing licence holders and road users. She is responsible for the day to day management and strategic development of the DIA Group and also sits on the DfT’s Road Safety Delivery Group and is a board member of the Road Safety Observatory.

Jeremy Phillips has been working in road safety for more than 25 years, spending time as a researcher, practitioner and operations, partnership and programme manager, including managing an amalgamated sustainable and safer travel team. He steered Devon’s application for Beacon Authority Status and took a leading role in Devon’s Countrymile National Demonstration Project and award-winning Rural Road Safety Project.

Andrew Perry is one of the UK’s most experienced specialist road traffic prosecutors. He joined Road Safety Support (RSS) from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in 2007 and has been involved in many cases that have shaped the interpretation of the current law, as well as advising on changes that would make enforcement more effective. He is a qualified expert in a number of speed detection devices and provides training to CPS lawyers, police staff and Magistrates’ legal advisers.

Dr Sarah Jones is a consultant in Environmental Health Protection and the injuries lead for Public Health Wales. For several years Sarah has been advocating for the introduction of Graduated Driver Licensing to reduce road traffic crash injuries and fatalities associated with young drivers.

Delegates who are attending National Conference are invited to submit questions by email for the panel in advance of the session.

Currently, a record 280 people will attend the two day conference which takes place at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham on 18-19 November. The event is being organised by Road Safety GB East Midlands region and co-sponsored by AA DriveTech, Colas, Pepsico and Vysionics.

There is just a handful of residential places still available but plenty of day delegate places for both days.

Click here to book to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum on 01379 651828.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Impressive credentials and CVs I’m sure – no mention of their behind the wheel abilities and on the road credentials though – just as important – possibly more so.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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