New device detects dozing drivers

08.47 | 1 June 2011 | | 5 comments

A new device has been designed which sets off an alarm if it detects a driver is dozing off.

The company behind the ‘ISAFE anti-doze device’ claims that two million drivers in the UK fall asleep while driving every year, resulting in 400 deaths. The ISAFE lodges behind a driver’s ear, and if the head nods forward 20 degrees it sets off an alarm.

Jonathan Long, from Trade Developments, said: “Falling asleep at the wheel kills; the ISAFE helps to prevent this from happening. Every driver should have this device in their car as a precaution for those long journeys where there is a greater danger of dozing off at the wheel.”

The ISAFE costs £9.99 including p&p. Click here for more information.


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      Falling asleep at the wheel happens, like falling asleep watching tv happens. A report in the Daily Mail reckons two million people a year doze off at the wheel in this country. Anything that warns you are falling asleep while driving must be a good thing.

      Rob Co Durham
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      These anti doze devices, and there are many, are not designed to stop you sleeping, on the contrary they are an indicator warning that you are about to. Any persons life is worth £9.99 and more.

      Richard Greene Sunderland
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      I would just like to reply to the comments made by J Smith and Dave from Leeds.

      First of all as far as I know the Isafe has never been available from Betterware or any other company here in the UK.

      It’s possible that you are talking about a product made or supplied by a different company, but it will not have been the Isafe as they are only available via the main UK import agent and myself via the website:

      Secondly our friend from Leeds appears to have missed the point. We are not trying to offer a replacement for common sense!!!

      Obviously if you feel tired while driving, you need to take a break!

      We are simply saying: “Here is another way of helping you to stay safe.”

      Are we saying then that in the future when they make new cars, they should stop trying to improve safety features etc?

      I think not.

      Jonathan Long Trade Developments

      Jonathan Long Cambs
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      My mum had one of these years ago (bought from Betterware I believe!) and it was rubbish as her head tips backwards when she sleeps so it never woke her!!

      J Smith
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      If it doesn’t stop you dozing off will the company behind it take responsibility for the resulting collision?

      The more technology we put in our vehicles to take responsibility away from drivers the less they will take for their own actions. If you’re planning a long drive, schedule in breaks. If you feel sleepy, pull in and rest. This is the message we should be sending out. Encouraging drivers to continue to the point of nodding off is the height of irresponsibility.

      Dave, Leeds
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