The Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership (WRSP) is reminding drivers to always pass horses wide and slow to help improve the safety of the people who ride horses on the road.
The Highway Code is specific about what drivers need to do to safely pass horses:
- Slow down to a maximum of 10mph
- Be patient, and do not sound a horn or rev the engine
- When safe to do so, pass the horse wide and slow (2 metres minimum if possible)
- Drive slowly away
WRSP has produced a video in partnership with Project Edward (Every Day Without a Road Death) and The British Horse Society to help drivers, cyclists and bikers.
The video can be found via YouTube.
Carol Cotterill, rural crime co-ordinator, Warwickshire Police, said: “Whilst good drivers keep up to date with changes to the Highway Code, a significant number of drivers are still unaware of the updated advice and the importance of driving carefully when passing and approaching horses.
“These road users are vulnerable and all drivers are expected to always take extra care to pass them safely.
“As well as slowing down to 10mph and allowing 2m when passing horses on the roads, our advice to drivers on narrow or rural roads is to expect the unexpected around the next corner – there could be a horse and rider, a cyclist or a pedestrian.
“There may also be oncoming traffic. Please slow down and be ready to pass vulnerable road users wide and slow.
“Never be tempted to ‘squeeze’ past a horse on the road as they are large and by passing them too closely or too fast you are risking your own life as well as the lives of the horse and rider or carriage driver.”
Although not in the Highway Code, WRSP is also encouraging riders to wear hi vis and, if possible, flashing lights to improve the visibility of the horse and rider on the roads.
To help riders improve their safety on the roads, this advice and other tips are in a short video, also available on YouTube.
Such an important message to try and get over to all road users. Having been in the Road Safety business for 40 years, I can always remember the slogan of Please Pass Wide and Slow. This message has recently been updated in the highway code, but you would think it would be common sense for drivers to slow down to 10mph and pass at least the 2 metres wide when safe to do so.
I appreciate this is not always the case, as I have seen some unbelievable videos in my time, of motorists racing pass horses with terrifying results.
Lets also not forget the riders, who need to be seen. It is critical, for the riders to wear a decent quality high vis and reflective tabard/bib. Being a local company in Warwick, we manufacture such items for various companies who sell these on their websites.
Mike Hancox, Warwick