Presentation will examine human factors and vehicle automation

12.00 | 16 September 2014 | | 4 comments

The latest confirmed presentation for the National Road Safety Conference 2014 will examine ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ aspects of human factors and vehicle automation.

The presentation, by Tyron Louw from the University of Leeds, will form part of a session that will focus on automated driving which will also include presentations by Matthew Avery from Thatcham Research and Richard Cuerden from TRL.

More than 200 people have registered to attend the National Road Safety Conference, which is being held at The Grand in Brighton on 25-26 November 2014. The event is being hosted by Road Safety GB South East Region and sponsored by Colas and AA DriveTech.

Tyron Louw is a PhD student at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His main research area is in driver behaviour and his PhD research focuses on the human factors of highly automated driving. He is specifically interested in how to safely re-engage the driver in manual driving.

Tyron is also a research assistant on the EU funded projects CityMobil2 and AdaptIVe, where he investigates road users’ interactions with automated road transport systems and tries to understand how drivers can safely interact with automated vehicles.

Highly automated driving has been promoted as the solution to many mobility and road safety issues. However, while new technologies can solve some problems they can also create others.

Tyron’s presentation will outline what’s good, what’s bad and what we still don’t know about highly automated driving, making a case for the importance of acknowledging the role of the human in this area.

Click here for more information about the agenda and themes, click here for delegate fees and to register to attend, click here for information about exhibiting at the event – or here for information about sponsorship. For more information about the event contact either Sally Bartrum or Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Definitely get rid of the cruise control. It makes all who use it bad or worse and lazy drivers. Got arthritis in left knee so an automatic is useful and need not be a negative. Good positive steering is a must. Many youngsters do not know of a time without power assist and I certainly do not want to go back to those days of torn arm muscles.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Funny how our attitudes to driving and cars can vary. I’m the opposite to Peter. I think ultra-light steering, on an automatic car with AC is a recipe for better safer driving! Each to their own. Agree with the cruise control bit though.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Power steering and cruise control in an automatic car. Even this level of automation can cause the driver to forget he is driving and the concentration would go out of the window if the air con was off. Then you add the devil called satnav and who knows what is in the driver’s mind.

      Peter London
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      This session will be well worth attending. It might give us the idea that automated systems will perhaps not be as safe as we currently give them credit for.

      Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon
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