All road users are being encouraged to reflect on their behaviour and attitude, as part of a European-wide event to spearhead significant and sustained casualty reduction.
Project EDWARD (European Day Without A Road Death) is an awareness-raising initiative which spreads simple safety messages, helping road users to play their part in working towards zero road deaths.
Project EDWARD was founded by TISPOL in 2016, in response to figures which show an average of 70 people are killed on roads across Europe each day.
TISPOL accepts that it would be incredibly difficult to achieve a day without road death, but says Project EDWARD delivers fantastic results in terms of revitalising Europe-wide collaboration and participation.
The 2019 edition of Project EDWARD takes place today (26 Sept) – with the message: “however we use the roads, we are all more vulnerable than we think we are”.
UK-based supporters include GEM Motoring Assist, RoadPeace, DriveTech, Vitronic and Westcotec.
Meanwhile, many local authorities in the UK are placing extra emphasis on road safety to coincide with the day.
Later this morning, a symposium will be taking place in Dublin, with an hour-long interactive seminar live-streamed on social media from 11.30am.
James Luckhurst, media advisor to TISPOL, said: “I am thrilled by the response to Project EDWARD from the road safety profession and from police forces across the UK.
“Everyone I have spoken to is passionate about reducing death on our roads. I hope our awareness-raising activities can contribute to a better appreciation of the work done all over the UK on a day-to-day basis to promote safety and reduce risk.”
Can we please get away from the notion that seemingly, only road deaths are of concern and are of significance. Collisions causing life-changing injuries (or any injuries for that matter) don’t seem to be as important to the decision makers – as if the only measure of success or failure is a fatality (or not). Any collision is a failure on somebody’s part, in my book.
Hugh Jones