Project EDWARD has announced dates and times for two webinars taking place in the new year.
The events form the start of an exciting programme of online activity which will include webinars designed to increase awareness of – and support for – the Safe System.
Commercial driver wellbeing round table
Tuesday 14 January at 11:00
Presented by Simon Turner
In a road environment increasingly dominated by economic pressures, we ask what are the most common physical health issues faced by commercial drivers, and how can these be addressed?
How do long working hours and irregular schedules impact the mental health of lorry drivers, and what measures can be implemented to mitigate these effects? What role does diet play in the overall health of lorry drivers, and how can companies support healthier eating habits on the road?
Taking part:
- Kate Walker Diabetes Safety
- Mark Cartwright National Highways
- Inspector Si Paull Warwickshire Police
- Chris Lewis Warwickshire OPCC
Road death: what is justice?
Friday 17 January at 11:00
Presented by James Luckhurst
This webinar will explore the complex and sensitive topic of road death and the pursuit of justice. This event will bring together experts, advocates and those personally affected by road tragedies to shed light on the issues surrounding traffic fatalities and their legal consequences.
Through the analysis of three very different case studies, our panellists will debate what justice means in the context of road deaths, while also looking at the possibilities of better collaboration for a future with zero road fatalities.
Taking part:
- CC Jo Shiner, NPCC Roads Policing
- Jon Heath, Senior Coroner for North Yorkshire and York
- Raymond Williams, Slater + Gordon
- Lucy Harrison, RoadPeace
- Chris Spinks, Westcotec
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